Equestrian tourism

Un activity open to all, from beginners to experts

Equestrian tourism was born in the 1950s in Europe, and especially in France, at a time when machines were taking over from animal traction.

It has long since gone beyond the stage of sympathetic potential to become a concrete reality and one of the surest ways of developing horse riding.

En une quarantaine d’années, dans une société où les loisirs prennent de plus en plus de place, d’activité marginale et peu considérée, le tourisme équestre est aujourd’hui, de manière incontestable, le moyen le mieux approprié pour intéresser, retenir le plus grand nombre de cavaliers et attirer le grand public par les valeurs qui y sont attachées.

It's open to everyone. Champion or beginner, any rider can have immediate access to it, guaranteeing equestrian tourism the largest pool of potential riders. From the easiest to the most difficult, those who wish to make this particular activity a challenge for themselves can become capable of experiencing journeys requiring hours in the saddle, completing long-distance treks and taking part in or organizing a very long trip on horseback.

In practice

How to organize yourself ?

Where to look, in which order, what precautions should be taken...

You need to decide whether you want to go for a ride (lasting a few hours or a day at the most) or a trek, which can last several days. In both cases, you don't need to be an experienced rider, as there are rides and hikes for all levels. During these outings, an ATE (Accompagnateur de Tourisme Equestre) supervises the group.
ATTENTION: It's essential to know how to manage the 3 gaits and take care of your mount.


Choose your route

Choose an itinerary that suits you and your level.

It's important to define the length and complexity of your itinerary. Several sites are available to suit your needs. Here are a few examples.

Help wanted

Need support?

23 countries are members of the FITE and can help you with your research, depending on the country you're riding in.

Here you'll find up-to-date information from the Organismes Nationaux de Tourisme Equestre (ONTE - National Equestrian Tourism Organizations). 

Map des membres faisant partie de la FITE