Le Maroc Rallye Equestre revient pour une deuxième édition, du 8 au 11 mars 2023 dans la région d’Essaouira. Ce Rallye est organisé par l’Association Nationale Marocaine du Tourisme Equestre, l’ONTE marocain de la FITE, sous l’égide de la Fédération Royale Marocaine des Sports Équestres, in collaboration with the Société Royale d’Encouragement du Cheval and with the FITE support. The second edition, initially planned for 2020, had to be cancelled because of Covid-19.

The Rally
The Morocco Equestrian Rally is a course of orientation and regularity of a distance of 100 to 120 km. In teams of four or five, the riders have to orient themselves between beaches and argan trees, manage the effort of their horse while facing the challenges offer by the nature.
According to the organiser, this rally is "an invitation to travel through different reliefs and landscapes in order to make you live a competition in the spirit of attachment to nature and to discover Morocco differently."
The Barbes and Arabes-Barbes, famous horses of the region, will be honored on this occasion.
Tuesday March 7: welcome and installation of the riders.
From Wednesday, March 8 to Saturday, March 11: 4-day rally.
Saturday, March 11: arrival in Essaouira, prize-giving and concert.
Les organisateurs ont prévu pour la journée de clôture un espace aménagé sur la place d’Essaouira regroupant animations équestres, tours à poney, démonstrations de Tbourida, stands avec des artisans locaux et d’autres surprises ! La journée se terminera avec un concert ouvert au public.
Registration and additional information
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Images ©ANMTE