On Monday September 25, 2023, at the FITE General Assembly held in Arezzo, Italy, Frédéric BOUIX was unanimously re-elected for a further 4 years as President of our Federation, along with 4 other Board members, including Frédéric PIERRESTIGER as General Secretary.
The General Assembly voted unanimously to renew the mandates of 3 members: Frédéric BOUIX (France), Véronique DUYSBURGH (Belgium) and Frédéric PIERRESTIGER (Canada), and two new members: Raquel ANTONIO GARCIA (Spain) and Ingrid HELMES (Luxembourg), bringing the total number of Board members to 10.
Le Conseil d’administration renouvelé
" In the continuity of the two previous mandates, I wish to pursue the actions undertaken to promote the international development of equestrian tourism and its disciplines, support the activities of NETOs and represent the voice of equestrian tourism stakeholders toward major international organizations", says Frédéric BOUIX. Equestrian tourism guide for 25 years, General Secretary of the Fédération Française d’Equitation since 11 years and first elected President of the FITE in 2015, Frédéric Bouix continues his commitment with a third 4-year term at the head of international equestrian tourism.
— Review of the 2019-2023 mandate
Frédéric PIERRESTIGER, mandated by Equestrian Canada Equestre, « thank the FITE's members for their renewed trust. With the new Board of Directors, we will be working to promote the FITE's activities, equestrian tourism and its disciplines during the next term of office ". Former TREC rider, outdoor riding instructor and equestrian tourism guide, he is pursuing a fourth term on the FITE Board of Directors.
Véronique DUYSBURGH, mandated by the Fédération Royale Belge des Sports Equestres, who is particularly active in the development of the Route Européenne d'Artagnan, is also continuing her commitment to the Board of Directors for a further term.
Raquel ANTONIO GARCIA, in charge of training for the Fédération Royale Hippique Espagnole, replaces Ruben AGUADO for Spain. The latter was warmly thanked by the President and members of the Board of Directors for his involvement throughout his mandate, taking an active part in the work of the FITE, notably within the Equestrian Tourism Committee. Raquel ANTONIO GARCIA presented to the General Assembly her wish to become involved in training and promotion of equestrian tourism.
Finally, Ingrid HELMES, appointed by the Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Sports Equestres, also joins the Board of Directors. International TREC judge and rider, she had already been elected to the Board of Directors.

The FITE Board of Directors:
- Frédéric BOUIX (France) – President
- Frédéric PIERRESTIGER (Canada) – General Secretary
- Jean-Louis MERMILLOD (Italy) – Vice-President
- Adrian FLYNN (Ireland) – Treasurer
- Raquel ANTONIO GARCIA (Spain)
- Véronique DUYSBURGH (Belgium)
- Ingrid HELMES (Luxembourg)
- Mei HWA (The Netherlands)
- Justin TSENG (China)
- Thomas UNGRUHE (Germany)
To contact us on this subject: info@fite-net.org
Photo ©FITE