Call for applications - Organize the second edition of the International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism

La FITE lance un appel à candidatures pour l’organisation de la deuxième édition des Rencontres Internationales du Tourisme Équestre, en 2024.

The International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism

Through this event, the FITE wishes to bring together decision-makers and stakeholders of equestrian tourism, in order to cooperate and create promising projects for the territories, from the local to the international level.
The aim of the International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism is to exchange information on different practices, share ideas and promote outdoor sports, particularly equestrian tourism, and its social, environmental and economic benefits, with a particular focus on rural areas. The event is also an opportunity to showcase the initiatives of a number of countries that have opted for horse-riding and tourism as a means of developing their regions.

Discover the summary and recommendations of the first edition here:
— Summary and recommendations of the first International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism

Why should you organize the International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism?

  • Bring your organization and your region to light,
  • Mobilize equestrian tourism and public stakeholders to accelerate the development of equestrian tourism locally, nationally and internationally,
  • C’est une occasion unique d’inspirer, de présenter votre projet, de le partager à d’autres organisations et de participer à l’émulation collective autour du tourisme équestre.

Who can apply?

Applications are open to all organizations wishing to promote equestrian tourism and their region:

  • NETO,
  • Equestrian tourism federations or associations
  • Structures équestres,
  • Equestrian centers,
  • Local authorities,
  • Tourism stakeholders...

How to apply?

Find all the documents you need here:
— Call for applications
— Specifications

Photo ©Eric Minodier _Vercors à cheval


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