On March 11 and 12, the trainers of judges and PTV course designers training took place in Riocabado, Spain.
This year, 18 participants gathered accompanied by the Technical Delegate of the FITE to work on the 2023 regulations and technical sheets, with practical applications in the field.
New technical and scoring sheets for the PTV
This year, the course was all the more important as the technical and scoring sheets for the PTV have been modified. According to Thierry Maurouard, Technical Delegate of the FITE, these new sheets are "more practical and easier to use, they have been very well received by everyone".
Tina Foldager, Danish trainerr, says that: "Les changements apportés aux fiches techniques et aux fiches de notation des exercices de PTV nous ont été présentés et expliqués, puis nous les avons mis en pratique, avec l’évaluation de cavaliers sur place. Avec ces nouvelles fiches, je pense qu’il sera plus facile de donner aux cavaliers une évaluation plus précise et plus juste. De plus, je suis certaine que les cavaliers auront le sentiment d’être mieux informés sur la raison pour laquelle les points sont attribués ou non".
Brigitte Kindel, German trainers agrees: "the participants agreed that the new way of judging will lead to a fairer and more comprehensible evaluation".

L’esprit du TREC
Thierry Maurouard notes that "over the years, the judges are more and more in harmony with the spirit of TREC, especially on the design of the courses. It's always nice to get together with TREC enthusiasts, there is always a good state of mind and a very friendly atmosphere".
Brigitte Kindal adds that "ce fut à nouveau une belle occasion de revoir d’anciens visages familiers et d’en rencontrer de nouveaux. On a également pu échanger nos idées sur de nombreux sujets concernant le TREC mais aussi au-delà".
Les participants ont aussi salué le très bon accueil et l’implication de l’organisateur, qu’ils remercient.

See you in August 2023
Organized on the location of the 2023 TREC European Championships for Juniors and Young Riders, this training was the opportunity for the 18 trainers to discover the place of this next sporting event. See you at the end of August 2023!
— List of 2023 TREC International judges instructors
— Learn more about TREC
Photos ©Mairead Moynihan