Retour sur l’Équirando 2019

L’Équirando est le plus grand rassemblement européen de tourisme équestre. L’édition 2019 s’est déroulée du 1er au 4 août au Haras des Brévaires (Yvelines). Cette année était la 52ème édition et a rassemblée plus de 800 randonneurs pour effectuer un parcours d’environ 400 kilomètres.

8 countries were represented :
Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Great-Britain, Morocco, Russia, Sweden and China. Foreign riders were invited to an exchange time during a cocktail on the federal stand. Everyone had the opportunity to enjoy natural and equestrian landscapes offered by the region.
This edition transmitted a lot of values and they were shared between all of the generations participating. Equestrian tourism conveys values of sharing, respect, and friendliness. These were transmitted between all the Equirando riders. Were also part of the event girls that broadcast equestrian video on YouTube. Thanks to them, the Equirando will be highlighted online and could reach their 180 000 followers.


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