
International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism

The aim of these meetings

La FITE souhaite réunir lors de ces Rencontres, les décideurs locaux, nationaux et européens, les associations des sports de nature, du tourisme et de la ruralité, les acteurs du tourisme équestre et du monde du Cheval. L’objectif est d’échanger sur les différentes pratiques, de partager des idées, de promouvoir les sports de nature et notamment le tourisme équestre ainsi que ses bénéfices économiques, sociétaux et environnementaux, avec une implication particulière des territoires et de la ruralité. Toutes les organisations sont invitées à y participer !


3rd and 4th May, 2024!

Organized by the Italian Federation of Equestrian Tourism (FITETREC-ANTE) and the Fédération Internationale de Tourisme Equestre, the second edition of the International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism will take place in Rome, Italy, on May 3 and 4, 2024.

How did the idea come about?

The International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism was born in 2021 from an initiative of the FITE Board of Directors with the desire to talk about actions around equestrian tourism and share this practice with as many people as possible.

The FITE President, Frédéric BOUIX, approved the project and called for an international event to be held in 2022. 
The first Meeting took place on September 13, 2022 in Silkeborg, Denmark.

An event to exchange

The practice of nature sports, including equestrian touring, contributes to the vitality of these regions, particularly through the discovery of their cultural, historical and natural heritage.

With this event, the FITE wanted to bring together decision-makers and stakeholders of equestrian tourism, in order to cooperate and create promising projects for the territories, from the local to the international level.

See you on May 3 & 4, 2024 for the second edition of the Meeting!

Topics of the 2024 edition

3 main themes will be addressed during these days, through presentations and round-table discussions.

Discover these topics:
1. Equestrian tourism: local development and agritourism
2. Parks and routes: promoting national and international tourism
3. Horse travel professionals: have your say!


Find out more about the final program for this second edition of the International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism:

— Program in English
— Program in French
— Program in Italian



Registrations are open from March 21 to April 21, 2024. We look forward to seeing you there! Presentations and round tables will be translated into English, French and Italian.

Registration fees

  • Friday, May 3 : 80 euros, lunch included.
  • Journées du 3 et 4 mai : 150 euros, repas des midis inclus ainsi que l’activité du samedi.
  • Not included: Friday evening meal and accommodation. 


All useful documents

Program of the day, map of the site or communication elements, this space accompanies you to prepare this moment. 


Previous editions


In September 2022, the International Federation of Equestrian Tourism organized the first International Equestrian Tourism Meetings in Silkeborg, Denmark, ahead of the Euro'Meet,


The first International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism brought together the stakeholders of equestrian tourism and outdoor sports from 9 different nations.


The first International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism, organized the 13th of September 2022 by the FITE gathered stakeholders of equestrian tourism and

Let's talk

Contact us

All organizations are invited to participate! A contact email is available to appear in the contact list so as not to lose any information about these meetings. 
