After several editions in France, the Raid du Centaure 2024 will take place in Spain, in Prats de Lluçanès, Catalonia, from 8 to 10 March!
" With an average altitude of 700 metres above sea level, gentle slopes and an average temperature of 8°C in March, Lluçanès is an ideal location for equestrian tourism and TREC enthousiasts. Riders will cross forests, fields, streams and spectacular ridges , explains Quim Luz of the 2024 organising committee, which includes the Olost Equestrian Club and the municipality of Prats de Lluçanès. She adds: "Lluçanès has a rich equestrian tradition, known the world over for breeding endurance horses especially".
The orienteering race will take place over two nights, with a first loop of 60 kilometres and a second of 40 kilometres.
Registration will open at the beginning of January. As the number of participants is limited, it is recommended to register as soon as they are opened.
Non-Spanish riders can rent horses to take part in the competition.

To relive the Raid du Centaure 2023, click here:
— 2023 Centaur Raid: a challenge met and a good time had by all-vous
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Photo ©Quentin Schmitt