
La FITE accompagne le projet Eurasienne, reliant Grenoble au Vietnam. Ce projet d’itinérance internationale à cheval, développe les itinéraires transnationaux et porte la nécessité des accords transfrontaliers. 

Starting in June 2019 ! 

– Pour 1 an et demi de parcours à cheval

This project called "Eurasian" was created by Kim Remy. It was made to take the road from Europe to Asia, and also to pay a tribute to her origins:" My father is French and my mother both Vietnamese and Italian. " The number of participants increased as her boyfriend, Flavien Staub, decided to join her on this adventure. Kim will be riding her mare Cheyenne whereas Flavien is riding Ramsès, his Mérens.

photo ©Kim REMY/Flavien STAUB


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