New: A good practices guide on marking and signage

The FITE Equestrian Tourism Committee and its Board of Directors have been working on a good practice guide on marking and signage of equestrian routes.

The central role of marking and signage

In order to have an equestrian hike taking place in good conditions, it is necessary to have equestrian routes identified, mapped perhaps marked. Equestrian marking guarantees the security of riders and horses, and the good running of the path. 

Marking and signage of equestrian routes enable the development of equestrian hikes and contribute to the touristic development of a territory.

This guide covers the basics such as the spots, frequency and maintenance of beacons and signs.

Working on the development of equestrian tourism

The FITE has worked on this good practice guide on the marking and signage of equestrian routes, based on the different marks and signs that exist in some of its NETOs and also drawing inspiration from the work carried out by other sports. of nature, such as hiking for example.
— Access to the page "International marking"

Each NETO can get to grips with it, complete it and modify it, to fit territorial specificities, while respecting the national and local legislations in effect on this topic. One of the purposes of this guide is to provide a solid basis for NETOs that do not have any formal documents and regulations on this subject. For NETOs that already have one or more marks, this guide can be used to enhance the marks they offer.

In order to make equestrian tourism accessible as possible, while taking into account local specificities in each country, the FITE works towards the marking harmonization at the international level.
-- Download the guide in French and in English

Signalisation itinéraire équestre Espagne

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